
Indie Film Forum (IFF) is a television series initially broadcast on PCTV, Ch 21 (Comcast) & 47 (Verizon). The goal of IFF is to provide a platform for Independent Filmmakers grappling with issues that are meaningful and important to society. People see and experience many things in communities that are ignored by or are inaccessible to mainstream film producers. Now new technology has made it possible for people to play the role of citizen video journalists or visual storytellers with relative ease.  IFF hopes to connect local filmmakers to the growing community of independent filmmakers, to enable non-traditional filmmakers to learn from the experiences and efforts of others like themselves who are trying to make a difference. The films are also available for viewing on PCTV21’s YouTube channel and On Demand on its website, PCTV21.org.


Indie Film Forum

Kalpana Biswas, Producer-Director "Jewels of Kandahar"

Kalpana Biswas, Producer, Director

Kalpana Biswas – Documentary Filmmaker and Host of Indie Film Forum is based in Pittsburgh. Her film “Jewels of Kandahar”, about Afghan women and children living with war, with whom I she spent several weeks in Kandahar and Kabul, is currently in post-production. Her filmography includes a “A New York Heartbeat” (Locations Manager) and “A Shot Felt ’Round the World.” (Research Coordinator)She is former Board Chairperson of Women in Film and Media, Pittsburgh, and past-President of American Marketing Association, Pittsburgh Chapter. Prior to filmmaking, she had a career in marketing and strategic research in the US and India. She has an MBA from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Additional information: www.jewelsofkandahar.com.

PCTV21 Team

Carl Cimini - Dir. of Community Relations

Carl Cimini – Dir. of Community Relations

Carl Cimini – Director of Community Relations at PCTV21 and Studio Director for Indie Film Forum. Carl is also a documentary filmmaker and producer/director of Wobblimind Media who specializes in ethnographic and human rights documentaries. His filmography includes “Dancing in Amdo” and “Haridwar Gate of God.” He has also worked on new media, installation, commercial, and event production. www.pctv21.org

Eric Witt - Technical Specialist

Eric Witt – Technical Specialist

Eric Witt – Technical Specialist at PCTV21 and technical director for Indie Film Forum. www.pctv21.org